It seems that I've lost my focus. Summertime typically does that to me. I have had a lot of things going on. The kids were here for the summer, I pretended to plan my wedding, I ate a lot of food and didn't do a lot of exercises. I've realized that handling many tasks at once is not my forte and handling them with stress is even more of a disaster.
We don't get to see the kids often and as you probably realize I'm not a huge fan of kids. Love them when they are here but my nerves are taxed and then I spend the next 5 months obsessing about how I could have made better use of our time when they were here. Damn you Colorado for being so far away.
I claimed that I would get SO much done for the wedding over the summer. That was CLEARLY a bold faced lie because I didn't do anything. I did eat a lot and not to my surprise after trying on my wedding dress it doesn't fit. My BFF said that it was because I wasn't wearing my spanx. I would like to clarify in saying that wearing 4 pairs of spanx in size small would not have gotten that dress to zip. Much to everyone's surprise I didn't cry. I went home and I exercised for an hour at 9:30 PM. I would like to think that it's a sense of pride that made me do it but in reality I don't have the funds to spend on a dress that I can't wear because I have an unnatural love of sour patch kids and tortilla chips. It's shameful.
I don't think that I've made it a secret that I'm a pretty opinionated person. I speak my mind and don't typically put too much thought into how it will come out to others. I feel that if you like me and know me then you know that is just how I am. You are either my friend or you aren't. I'm not going to go too far out of my way to impress you. I like ME enough that if our friendship doesn't work I always have myself to fall back on.
Most of you know enough to not talk about politics or religion and when people DO talk to me about those things we typically never agree. Case in point... I never realized how much explaining it was going to take in our choice of marriage venue and style. While I think that both of us are spiritual we aren't religious. I was asked yesterday a question that no on else has asked me: Who is marrying you and where do they go to church? I was so thrown off by the question that even though I KNEW the answer.... it didn't come out. I did manage to get out something to the effect that one of my best friends got ordained and I'm not sure where she goes to church. It's a civil ceremony with some Jesus.... but it's not a religious ceremony. Jesus is invited but it's not a religious ceremony. I swear I heard crickets. That's just not who we are. Apparently that wasn't the right thing to say because everyone immediately seemed uncomfortable and we talked about it afterwards. I'll obsess about that for a while. Made me wanna go eat some carbs and sugar but I didn't.
What else has been going on you ask? I have a bum knee and some tennis elbow from the hardcore badminton that we throw down on in the summer and it's really hindering the fact that my fat ass needs to squeeze into my form fitting trumpet style wedding gown. See how I circled back around to that?
I'm sorry this isn't more informative or funny but it is what it is. I couldn't figure out a way to make anything else make sense enough to cram it in here so I'll save the rest of my ranting for another day.