Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I'm just a girl who got tired of being fat.....

This is a quote from my super smart, super beautiful, super motivational sister.  We had a discussion about why she never talks about her weight loss journey and experience.  She had some wise insights for me.  Fat people are grumpy and she didn't set out to inspire anyone she was just a girl who was tired of being fat.  I can agree with both of those statements. 

It was never my intention to inspire anyone to do anything and I too really am  just a girl who was tired of being fat.   The difference between her and I seems to be that I draw inspiration from talking about things with random people and making myself publicly accountable for what I'm doing.  I have very few things in my life that I wouldn't talk to you about if you asked.  There are some private aspects or "secrets" if you will...  but for the most part I WANT to be accountable for what I do, the things I say and how I am perceived.

If more people were held accountable for their actions both privately and publicly I think we might live in a different world.  Most people know better than to ask me about my opinion because I'm going to give it to you whether it's going to make you cry or not.  For those of you who don't and are scared to ask me.... here are a few things that I have an opinion on that YOU should be held accountable for.

Life:  You only get one shot.  Get it right.  If you can't get it right the first time then try again.  Until you do.  Stop blaming everyone else for the bad shit in your life.  It's yours to own.  If you had a bad childhood.... move on.  Once you are an adult YOU make your decisions, you are responsible for your actions... no one else.... YOU.

Marriage/Relationships:  Respect your partner.  If you wouldn't want them to do it to you.... don't do it to them.  There are no double damn standards.  I always think about my son's relationships.  If someone he was married to treated him the way I treat my spouse how would I feel about that other person?  If it's bad... you might want to change some shit in your life.  BE HONEST.  Nothing good has ever come out of a lie. 

Health:  Make it a priority.  No one else can do that for you and I for one am tired of helping those who want to spend their/my money on frozen pizzas and potato chips.  Fucking make a meal for your family with food..... Go for a walk with your kids. Encourage them to be healthier than you are because you are raising a generation of lazy, fat children.  We can't keep taking care of everyone. 

Religion:  You have yours, I have mine.  As long as you are comfortable with what will or won't happen to you after you are gone I won't try to help you find religion.  That's your journey to have. No one really knows the answers so stop trying to shove something down my throat that I don't want.

Work:  You can either do what makes you happy or do what pays your bills.  Sometimes in life we can't have both.  There are NO FREE RIDES (unless you are in the 51%).  Just go.  When we became so lazy and entitled is beyond me.

Money:  Spend less than you make.  PERIOD.  If your car payment is more than you make in half a month... you might want to re prioritize.   In the end no one cares what you are driving.  No one cares how nice your house is.  A nice house won't make you friends and won't make you loved..... friends and love do that... and those things are free.

Pets:  Fucking take care of them.  Don't list them for sale on a classified ad when you no longer have time for them.  They deserve better.  Don't breed them.  Your dog is not so special that we need more of them.  Shelters are FULL of dogs who WILL BE KILLED because you bred them.  I'll argue you to DEATH over this one.... don't try me.

Exercise:  DO IT.  It doesn't have to be an hour long workout or anything special... just get up and move. 

Cursing:  I do it.  Get over it.  I've given up partying, drinking, smoking and eating things that are bad for me... just let me have my foul language.  Geesh

Drugs:  Why waste your time?  It's like smoking.... waste of time, waste of money and waste of health. 

Children:  If you can't afford to bring them into the world.... DON'T.  Stop reproducing.  Just stop. 

There you have it.... the things that just piss me off to no end.  What do you have an opinion about?  Post it anonymously below.  I'd love to know!


  1. April (The other "s" word)March 13, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    Hahaha.. I first of all, those 2 things were in completely separate conversations. 1. I never set out to inspire, encourage, or be a role model. I am simply a girl who got sick of being fat. It was and still is a journey for me and only me. 2. I don't talk about weight loss or my journey unless specifically asked. Fat ladies are grumpy as shit and if some skinny bitch would have started talking to me about weight loss when I was larger, I would have wanted to choke her with a loaf of french bread and told her to mind her own business. Also, not so nicely informing her that when and if I wanted her weight loss advice, I would ask.

    In the beginning, I was ashamed and afraid to admit I was even trying to lose weight. Afterall, if I failed, then people would know. I of course assumed I would fail as I had many other times before due to my flaky attitude and lack of self control around food (specifically cheese, fried chicken, and twizzlers --- though not together at the same time). I didn't start telling people I was even on weight watchers until I had lost like 20 lbs and they started noticing. I guess that keeping quiet thing just kinda stuck. I talk about food and cooking with anyone who will listen, but very rarely weight loss unless specifically asked about it. Attention and praise about it just confuses and embarrasses me. To me, it wasn't a huge accomplishment, or even something to be celebrated. I just got tired of being hating myself and feeling like crap.

  2. In all honesty you and Kelley were the only one that I even really talked about it with. I had posted stuff on facebook about working out just because it helps me be motivated. When people in my daily life started noticing was when I really started talking about it. People like to be inspired by stuff. I agree about the "skinny" people telling "larger" people how to lose weight.... it's annoying. You didn't have to out yourself! LOL I think the thing that you fail to see is that (and you probably realize this) there are hundreds/thousands of other people who are in the same place you were 5 years ago. I think your transformation is amazing and I'm super proud of you and inspired. That's all.

  3. Sorry that totally sounded bitchy. Probably why I never blog. I loved this post. Didn't mean to sound like a total whack job.

    I am proud of you too.
