I should be working right now (if my boss is reading this... I'm totally kidding I'm working my ass off) but I'm not. I'm bored. I have recently become "active" (in that I talk to like 2 people) on a weight loss forum and I found myself scouring through the archives today to see if anyone else had an interesting blog.... I was disappointed (unless you came here from that thread in which case... your blog fucking rocks!)
It took me quite a while to get comfortable with people judging my thoughts. I have a hard enough time with worrying about what people think of the things they can see on the outside imagining the reaction to my crazy thoughts was terrifying. I started a blog anyway because, well, I like it when people think I'm funny or informative and 9 times out of 10... I am.
I don't have sponsors and I'm not trying to make money or sell you some magical shit to lose weight because those things are imaginary... like unicorns. I WISH that I could find someone to financially compensate me for the random shit that comes out of my mouth but I've yet to find that amazing company to do that. Please feel free to comment below if you want me to peddle your products for cash... I'm a reasonable bitch.
If no one is going to read something then really why bother writing it down? In reading the blogs of others I've come to the conclusion that people are boring or I'm not serious enough. I appreciate that you took the time to post your reps and what supplement that you drank for your workout but when that's all of the substance... pass. Did you know that laughing burns calories? Don't start logging that shit or I'll blast you out on my blog that 10's of people read. I'm not saying your blog is wrong and mine is hella right because it's not.
I have thought about "rebranding" the blog because it seems that it has become less about health and more about life which coincidentally SHOULD include your health. The S in THE S word really can be anything ( but not sword which fucking google thinks I'm saying when I type it into the search bar) shit, solidarity, simple.... those are just a few that came to mind. I think that people are at least slightly entertained by my grammatically incorrect musings and I throw in some photos from time to time to show that I REALLY am trying to be healthy and motivate you but lets face it.... I'm too funny to be motivational.
So friends I tried reading your blogs and they were great and all but lets try to throw in some entertaining shit from time to time. I think that it makes people more relatable and if you can't relate to my sense of humor then I'm probably not going to inspire you to do anything.... For the love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph..... comment below so I know that I'm not just amusing myself.
I love reading it. Makes me laugh.