Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Food porn

You know what I'm talking about.  I LOVE social media as much as all of you, that's why you are here now.  I have something that I've noticed that really has started to grate on my nerves a bit.  Not enough that it's an unfriendable offense, but something that I think needs to be addressed.   All of the photos and recipes that I see in all of your Facebook feeds of baked cakes, cookies, cheesy casseroles, pies and breads that you are liking and sharing.  STOP IT.  You know which of you are guilty of this and it's not just one.

I have been known to tell people to surround themselves with good people because you are the company you keep.  The same goes with food.  If you surround yourself with good food..... you will eat it.  Looking at the pictures of the Butterfinger pie that contains enough calories for the entire day will not help you be healthy and it won't help me either.  It will just make you want Butterfinger and pie which is ok in moderation but often we are not eating responsibly. Why can't we just go back to eating an Butterfinger?  We need to supersize it into an entire pie because that is the American way.... eat more, spend more, weigh more.

But Jenn, you say, I'm not trying to be healthy.  Ok I get that.  Not everyone is a neurotic food freak like me but I am tired of seeing them in my news feed.  I know my battle isn't your problem and no I'm not trying to push my agendas on you, I'm simply trying to help change your way of thinking.  If you don't like it you can stop reading now. I'm going to start saying "Eat responsibly" since I've stopped drinking and smoking.  You are LITERALLY killing yourself with food. 

Look at the ingredients that are on the labels.  If you don't have labels on your food then you are probably ok because that means it's something fresh.  Research the chemicals that are being put into packaged foods and on some of your fresh foods.  The cancers and other health issues they cause are sickening.... literally.   I picked up something the other day, A YOGA MAT,  just to look at it and the warning label said something about contains a chemical that has been known in California to cause cancer.  WHAT??  Why is it on the shelf?

Eating healthy and liking it often takes time.  When I first started living on my own at 18 I didn't now how to cook and I hated everything.  Clear up into my LATE 20's I wouldn't touch a pepper, onion, lettuce, spices, many condiments, spinach... all of the things that make food taste great.  My mom was not, in my opinion, the best cook.  She had a very old school approach to making food.  Bland, boiled, unseasoned... ick.  mackerel patties, tuna noodle casserole were the bane of my existence.  As an adult I've come to realize that I'm freaking ALLERGIC to fish.  She would boil brussels sprouts and spinach.  DISGUSTING.  No wonder when I was on my own I ONLY wanted to eat junk food.   I had SO many food rules and they were all ridiculous.  I guess now I have new food rules but in a more healthy, balanced sort of way.   The more you see it and taste it.... the easier it is to break the bad habits and replace them with new good one. 

For me seeing a picture of apple pie vs. a super vibrant plate of fruit or greens wins over any day.  It wasn't always like that but  and some days it's a struggle but the more I remove it from my life the less I miss it.  If it's not in my house I won't eat it.  If I'm not constantly looking at it I won't crave it.  Any time you see something that you like google how to make it healthier.  That doesn't mean it will be HEALTHY it just means that there might be ways to make it better for you... and just eat the Butterfinger and don't make the whole pie.  You'll thank me for it later. 

Let me know.... am on the mark here or way off? 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"You're thin enough"

Really?  Remind of again where your PhD is from.....

Who says this?  Haters.... that's who. People who want to rain on my parade of healthiness.  Everyone who has went through weight loss around "frenemies" knows what I'm talking about.  It might be your mom or a coworker or a "friend".  THOSE people who want to tell you when you have done enough of something. 

 First of all.... who are you to tell me what I am or am not?  I'm not your friend and in reality I don't even like you. Why you ask,  because you are a mean person.   I'm pretty sure that you can tell by the look of disgust every time you're speaking to me.  In my mind I KNOW that you are sizing me up.  Looking at me as if I were yours to judge in every aspect from my hair to my shoes.  I lived this for several years when several people I worked with felt it necessary to inform me about my health. If I were a toothpick or anorexic maybe I might have a different attitude but clearly from looking at me I am neither.  (Sorry I got off on a rant there about something from the past).

The crazy remarks that were made have mostly left my memory along with any stress I had from that place the day I left.  I have enough toxic energy inside of myself I don't need anyone else to fuel my fire. 

I have to assume that you are the way you are due to some insecurities of your own.  Either way.... I'll determine when I'm thin enough.  I know you think I look great and I RELISH in the fact that you want to tell me every time you see me however,  I'm mostly over it.  I hate being the center of attention, which might surprise some of you based on how loudly I talk.  That's just how I talk.... I'm loud.  I won't feel sorry for you because you are too lazy to put in the work and I won't feel bad for myself for putting myself first.  I know ... you have kids and your job is soooo important. 

"I just don't have as much free time as you."  REALLY BITCH?  Because you have spent so much time getting to know me and life. <insert sarcasm> I LOOOOVE it when people say this to me about working out.  They assume that because my child is mostly grown that I must have inordinate amounts of free time hanging around.  Maybe they just think that I have no life.... who gets to decide what makes my life quality?  Is it you with your PhD from IBU... that's I'm a Bitch University in case you've never heard of it... I think it's based is Lucasville..... Your life is not SO important that you can't squeeze in 30 minutes to exercise.  MAYBE instead spending the 30 minutes you just did telling me about how you don't have time and that I'm skinny enough you took a walk this might be a different conversation.  You have time you just choose not to make it.  You should involve your kids even while they are young so that they can develop the habit of health instead of breaking the habit of excuse making.  I've posted rants like this before on Facebook about my daily routines.  I LITERALLY make EVERY thing that I eat.  I bring a lunch bag bigger than most peoples handbags (and I like my handbags like I like my paychecks and penises..... BIG).  I cook my breakfast lunch and dinner.... EVERY DAY.  AND... newsflash... I work 8 hours outside of my home. 

So the next time you want to tell me about how I'm thin enough and it's because I have too much free time.... please spare me.  I'm busy making something healthy and delicious (or disgusting depending on the day) for my family and working out.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Fat shaming

There are so many negative things in this world and we have such a short time on this earth that I really think that people need to just try to be nicer to each other.  I've recently rediscovered church; don't worry I'm not going to preach to you or become holier than thou.  Though all of the health changes, life changes, mental changes and physical changes I'm really kind of just trying to be a better person in general.   It isn't because someone tells me I have to.  It is because that's what I feel like I need to do at this point in my life.

I feel like everyone should be accepted or at the least respected.  Whether you're gay, black, fat or gay black and fat..... you get the point.  People need to stop tearing each other down and start building each other up. 

I have publicly subjected myself to scrutiny but posting information about my personal life, my photos and my struggles.  When people have negative things to say to me it hurts my feelings but I realize those comments are going to come up.  I have a HUGE problem when people are just mean to be mean or to make themselves feel better.

I participate regularly in a team/group sport.  There are people of all kinds there each week.  There are a lot of nice people there are there are some assholes.  Some days I'm the asshole.  There is an older woman who really just annoys the shit out of me.  She has for 3 years now.  Last night she came to ask me how my back was since we weren't there last week.  I felt like a total bitch.  This woman who is just an older lady doing older lady things who happens to annoy me sought me out and genuinely cared about how I was.  What a giant piece of shit I am.   As dumb as it sounds I really just wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear.  She's never done anything to me.... I just was annoyed by her presence.  I'm sure I have that effect on some people as well.

Then...the straw that broke the camels back... A woman on the other team we played  who, by all means, is not a small person. was overheard making  a comment about another woman on a difference team.  "Is she pregnant or just really fat?"  It wasn't said in a questioning manner.... it was HATEFUL.  My immediate reaction was to whip around and say something but I didn't for the sake of Joe's sanity.  I thought about how that other person would feel if she had heard her say that and I knew that it would hurt her feelings.  The other girl is so nice.  She is always smiling, all standards much nicer than I am on most days we are there.

The moral of all of this is that we need to STOP hating on one another.  Everyone is struggling with something.  Maybe I'm overweight because of a medical issue, maybe I just like to eat fried chicken and twizzlers or maybe I am just lazy. I might be having issues in my outside life that you aren't aware of.  Who knows what's going on in someones life unless you are in it!  I'm going to try much harder to follow my own advice and not be so judgy...I know that's not a word.   I've said it before and I'll say it again.  We need to build each other up not tear each other down. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I'm just a girl who got tired of being fat.....

This is a quote from my super smart, super beautiful, super motivational sister.  We had a discussion about why she never talks about her weight loss journey and experience.  She had some wise insights for me.  Fat people are grumpy and she didn't set out to inspire anyone she was just a girl who was tired of being fat.  I can agree with both of those statements. 

It was never my intention to inspire anyone to do anything and I too really am  just a girl who was tired of being fat.   The difference between her and I seems to be that I draw inspiration from talking about things with random people and making myself publicly accountable for what I'm doing.  I have very few things in my life that I wouldn't talk to you about if you asked.  There are some private aspects or "secrets" if you will...  but for the most part I WANT to be accountable for what I do, the things I say and how I am perceived.

If more people were held accountable for their actions both privately and publicly I think we might live in a different world.  Most people know better than to ask me about my opinion because I'm going to give it to you whether it's going to make you cry or not.  For those of you who don't and are scared to ask me.... here are a few things that I have an opinion on that YOU should be held accountable for.

Life:  You only get one shot.  Get it right.  If you can't get it right the first time then try again.  Until you do.  Stop blaming everyone else for the bad shit in your life.  It's yours to own.  If you had a bad childhood.... move on.  Once you are an adult YOU make your decisions, you are responsible for your actions... no one else.... YOU.

Marriage/Relationships:  Respect your partner.  If you wouldn't want them to do it to you.... don't do it to them.  There are no double damn standards.  I always think about my son's relationships.  If someone he was married to treated him the way I treat my spouse how would I feel about that other person?  If it's bad... you might want to change some shit in your life.  BE HONEST.  Nothing good has ever come out of a lie. 

Health:  Make it a priority.  No one else can do that for you and I for one am tired of helping those who want to spend their/my money on frozen pizzas and potato chips.  Fucking make a meal for your family with food..... Go for a walk with your kids. Encourage them to be healthier than you are because you are raising a generation of lazy, fat children.  We can't keep taking care of everyone. 

Religion:  You have yours, I have mine.  As long as you are comfortable with what will or won't happen to you after you are gone I won't try to help you find religion.  That's your journey to have. No one really knows the answers so stop trying to shove something down my throat that I don't want.

Work:  You can either do what makes you happy or do what pays your bills.  Sometimes in life we can't have both.  There are NO FREE RIDES (unless you are in the 51%).  Just go.  When we became so lazy and entitled is beyond me.

Money:  Spend less than you make.  PERIOD.  If your car payment is more than you make in half a month... you might want to re prioritize.   In the end no one cares what you are driving.  No one cares how nice your house is.  A nice house won't make you friends and won't make you loved..... friends and love do that... and those things are free.

Pets:  Fucking take care of them.  Don't list them for sale on a classified ad when you no longer have time for them.  They deserve better.  Don't breed them.  Your dog is not so special that we need more of them.  Shelters are FULL of dogs who WILL BE KILLED because you bred them.  I'll argue you to DEATH over this one.... don't try me.

Exercise:  DO IT.  It doesn't have to be an hour long workout or anything special... just get up and move. 

Cursing:  I do it.  Get over it.  I've given up partying, drinking, smoking and eating things that are bad for me... just let me have my foul language.  Geesh

Drugs:  Why waste your time?  It's like smoking.... waste of time, waste of money and waste of health. 

Children:  If you can't afford to bring them into the world.... DON'T.  Stop reproducing.  Just stop. 

There you have it.... the things that just piss me off to no end.  What do you have an opinion about?  Post it anonymously below.  I'd love to know!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Life is too short to eat shitty food.

I draw inspiration from other people.  That's what inspires me.  Whether its a conversation I've had with them directly, something I've overheard or something that I've seen them post.  You might read these and think - Hmm... she is probably talking about me. You are probably right.  Unless you are a total dumb ass you probably have nothing to worry about.  I'll not single you out or quote you directly but know that I'm an observant person and some day I might be writing about something you've said, directly or indirectly.

I over think damn near every aspect of my life.  It's a habit that I need to give up for Lent, although I don't typically conform to religious holidays and observances.  I'm not sure if it's a control issue or just how my brain is wired but I like to know every aspect of every possibility when it comes to things in my life.  It's tiring.   I like to think that others are the same way.  When I post a question or a thought online I fully expect people to chime in with their opinions.  Sometimes it's not always a good thing.

Something that I've learned is that everyone needs to have their own journey or experience when it comes to health.  What works for me might not work for you.  It's a lot of trial and error in some aspects.  The basic idea of it is pretty simple math.... expend more energy than you put into your body.  Fuel it with MOSTLY good foods.  Lean meats, fresh vegetables, whole grains.... it isn't rocket science.  I probably follow an 80-20 or 90-10 approach, keeping in mind that ratio could change at any time.  80% of the time I'm eating good shit... 20% it could be questionable.  Any time someone tells you that they have a magic shake, pill, workout or ritual that will make you lose all your belly fat... they're a fucking liar.  Unless it's working out and expending more calories than you put it.... they're lying.  Don't buy whatever they are selling you.  There are no magic beans.... except for maybe chickpeas and those are delicious.

I think what is so off putting to a lot of people are the vast amount of choices about what they should eat.  It's overwhelming.  Everyone has an opinion about what YOU should be eating, what kind of diet you should follow..  It's not about them.... it's about you.  Don't eat gluten, don't eat meat, eat this meal supplement that's made of gel or a protein bar that is really just a glorified candy bar, don't eat after 8pm..... we aren't gremlins eat the fucking snack at 8 if you want.  At least make it a good one and not a half pint of ice cream. Unless you have a specific food allergy to something or a personal reason for not eating something then don't. 

Anytime that you have to spend MASS amounts of time looking for, preparing or convincing your family to eat a special spelt wrap.... it's not worth it.  No one wants to eat food that tastes like shit.  I, for one, have NEVER found any vegan recipe that doesn't taste like absolute dog food.  Don't get all in an uproar vegans... I'm not saying your way of eating is wrong. I'm simply saying that for me it isn't pleasant.  Period.

Find a balance between what's good for you and what you like.  You can't eat perfect all the time.  Who gets to decide what's perfect?  You do!  Find a recipe you like and google ways to make it healthier.  The Internet is this amazing resource if used properly.  If that means a whole wheat wrap instead of a flour one... at least you've made a small step towards a "better" choice.  If you want to work up to lettuce wraps and other random grains... more power to you. I'm content with wheat.

Finally..... in an effort to help you make your healthy food taste better I have one piece of advice:  Befriend your spice rack (or cabinet if you are me).  The secret to making healthy food taste good... spices.  Turmeric, cumin, rosemary, curry, garlic powder, onion powder, peppercorns, paprika, chili powder, cayenne pepper, salt (in moderation and get sea salt for the love of Christ.  Table salt is garbage) cinnamon... PUT THAT SHIT ON FOOD.  Bland food sucks. 

Fajita Seasoning recipe:
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon paprika (Mexican is best but I know that not everyone has that)
1/2 teaspoon onion powder

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 

1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Sprinkle it on your veggies, onions, chicken while it's cooking.  You know what's in it.  You could omit the salt if you wanted but I like it.  Some people also put a bit of sugar in but I find it unnecessary.   If you like it spicier put more cayenne in... or red pepper flakes.  I LOVE garlic so I'm heavy handed with that and the paprika. 


Monday, March 3, 2014

About me

I love surveys and talking... about myself.  This was fitting.   I stole this one from another blog. 

 Unfortunately, yes.  My mother and I have the exact same name.  I think they were hoping for a boy and when I came out a girl they just were like... eh... let's name her after you.

 I cry all the time about dumb shit.  Dog videos, commercials..... so probably within the last few days.


 Roast beef.  It tastes funny.

5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS?Yep.  A 16 year old son.

6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU?Probably not.  I'm kind of annoying and a bitch.

Nope. Never.


9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP?I already have.  So yes.

10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL?Cookie Crisp!  I wish that shit was healthy!



13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM?Cheesecake from Coldstone or Mint Chocolate Chip

Teeth. I'm a tooth snob

15. RED OR PINK?Pink

16. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF?I hate my hair.  It sucks. It's graying, with split ends and stringy.

17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST?I don't miss anyone in particular
 The art of keeping my mouth shut.

 Black and brown riding boots

 Some artesian crackers

 Pandora currently. Specifically Maroon 5

Something LOUD like chartreuse or neon orange

 Gain laundry detergent and anything vanilla


 Beach. All. Day. Long.

 I hate sports.  None.

27. HAIR COLOR?Its naturally dark brown but most of it is graying.  I color it so dark brown.


29. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS?Not any more.  I had Lasik a few years ago

30. FAVORITE FOOD?Mexican.  Anything Hispanic.  Every day... Mexican

 I don't really get into watching movies. I fall asleep. I don't do scary movies though.

32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED?Couldn't even tell you.

33. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING?Blue and green chevron

35. FAVORITE DESSERT?I'm not a huge sweets eater.  I do like some cheesecake from time to time though.

36. STRENGTH TRAINING OR CARDIO?I do both.  I would rather strength train than cardio though.


38. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW?As ignorant as this makes me sound... I don't read much.

39. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD?I'ts a beach scene with fish in it.  When you move the mouse it looks like the fish are swimming.  My boss brought it back from a meeting for me.

 I hate noise.  I like it quite



Not really.





 Loves me some surveys!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Put down the McFish and walk away!

Sometimes you just eat something not good for you.  We've all been there.  No one can be perfect all the time as that would be incredibly boring.  It is a slippery slope though so you have to be careful.  One sandwich leads to two.  Two sandwiches today leads to two tomorrow.  A slip up every once in a while is OK.  When it becomes the norm then you have a problem. Don't go beating yourself up too bad because there is redemption! 

Overeating is an addiction. Period.  Don't let anyone tell you that it's not. The people who "eat to live" just don't get it.  You know those people who only eat because their body tells them to.  It SUCKS.  You eat shit that you know you shouldn't because you just can't stop!  It's a horrible habit.  I've been know to, at restaurants where they give you portions that are WAY TO BIG ANYWAY, to pour salt or water all over my food just so that I would stop eating it.  Super neurotic?  Yes.   Right now it's what helps me to stop eating otherwise bring on the overeating!

Don't get too down on yourself.  I mentioned that everyone struggles from time to time.  Every once in a while I just need to eat an entire bag of chips.  I know while I'm shoving them into my face at a rate that would probably cause most people to choke to death that later I'm going to be crying about it.  I am fully aware of the emotional ramifications and at that moment the delicious crunchy, saltiness is worth every calorie... until the morning when I'm bloated and questioning WHY WHY WHY.

Get back on the wagon.  I've made the comment before that I've fallen off the wagon and eaten it.  My sister, being the wise life coach that she has been for me, told me that everything comes in cycles.  There are cycles of being great, eating right, exercising and logging your intake.  Then comes the cycle where you just can't motivate yourself to do what you need to do.  Sometimes it might be 3 months doing great and a month where you really just lose sight of what you are trying to accomplish.  The trick is to make the cycles shorter on the bad times and longer on the good.  It really is just creating habits, good and bad.  The more you do something the easier it is!  Don't let one bad meal ruin your whole week.  Log it and move on.

Get a support system, it helps.  I use my sister. Great for me because she's walked the same walk I'm trying to master now.  I really look up to her and know that she will be there for me and will only judge me in her head, if at all.  I'm not sure how much she appreciates it because I know that she has her own struggles also but I lean on her anyway.  Find someone who will listen to you rant about food, eating, working out, cooking whatever you need to get you through it. There are online meetings, weight loss forums, Weight Watchers- where ever you feel comfortable.  I've had many people criticize my eating habits, my neurotic logging and food weighing.  Those are the people who need to F off and let you have your own journey.  The haters.  Stay away from them.  They are toxic.

Don't be afraid to throw something away.  We live in a society where we are (should be) taught to clean our plates and not waste.  Get the notion out of your head.  DO IT.  When you've eaten enough either portion the rest out and save it for lunch or dinner the next day or THROW IT AWAY!  You don't have to clean your plate.  The amazing thing about cooking your own food is that you know what's in it, it typically tastes better than fast food and YOU control the portion.  You control how big you make your burger.  You control the bun.  YOU.  You are the key.  YOU can do it.  You just have to start.  One change leads to two..... two to three... then it isn't a diet.  It's how you live.  You don't have to be a slave to food.

If you have a bad day just remember why you started to begin with.  To look good for summer, to be a good role model for your kids, to feel better, to fit into your wedding dress, to impress your spouse....  Whatever the reason you need to take care of your most valuable asset: YOURSELF!  Without your health you can't be there for your kids and your family and that shit is important!

I hope that this helps even one person know that it's not just you.  TONS of people struggle with over eating and portion control and food addiction.  When you are feeling weak send me a message, a text a comment.  I'll talk you down off the ledge.  Put down the McFish and come to the good side with me!  (And FYI the McFish isn't the worst thing you can eat of the McCrappy menu)  ;)